General Contracting
Interior/Exterior Renovation
Carpentry, Siding, Painting
Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC
Roofing, Gutters, Downspouts
Fire & Storm Restoration
New Construction
Concrete Work
Rehab Construction Specialists has only one standard if a problem should occur on your job. That standard is Customer Satisfaction before, during, and after the completion of your project! We specialize in providing single-source service for multi-family, single family, and commercial projects.
Rehab Construction Specialists provides strict quality controls throughout the course of your project. Our Quality Assurance Department independently inspects each renovation and construction project at predetermined stages of completion, reviewing and approving the work performed. We employ only hand-picked labor and sub-contractors that have a record of quality-minded performance. Likewise, we insure that you, the Customer, understand the differences between low, middle, and high quality materials before you make your choices. Working together, we can provide you with the greatest possible value for your budget dollar.
Rehab Construction Specialists has highly qualified employees with a wide range of knowledge in new construction, renovation and construction management. Listed are several recent and in-progress jobs.
5665 Atlanta Highway - Suite 103 - PMB 131 - Alpharetta, GA 30004 - Ph (678) 427-6289 - Fax (678) 406-8200
copyright 2009 © REHAB Construction Specialists, LLC